High School of the Dead follows the main protagonist Komuro Takashi and his group of survivors, which consists of fellow schoolmates, the school nurse, a young girl and a dog whom they saved, as they attempt to break through the zombie hoard and locate their families. The High School of the Dead anime came at a pretty good time, with people craving for anything zombie, and is one of the only anime as far as I remember that deals with the traditional zombie apocalypses and zombies, instead of just having characters being “reanimated” and forgetting about the “dead body” part. There was a time when zombies were the entire craze, and managed make its way into almost every form of popular culture.
The reviews will be relatively short, but I will try to spark some insights.
So here, I decided to take a look at some of the prequels, giving you my opinion on them, hopefully to spark some discussion, and to provide or facilitate enough tools for anime enthusiasts to use when deciding what anime to watch.
With the new anime season inbound, there is a good amount of sequels, or related anime, coming our way, some garnering a lot of attention and praise, while some falling off the radar.